The Ripple Effect

Greetings in the name of our risen Lord, Jesus Christ!  We pray that this finds you healthy, safe and blessed! The mission and ministry of HPCUMC/Warehouse strives to deepen our relationship with God and one another.  From our weekly worship together, to the offering of daily devotions; from Children, Youth, and Adult ministries to our Outreach and Mission, we strive to be God’s light, hope and love in a world so easily given over to fear and despair.

All that we do is possible because of your financial investment in the mission and ministry of HPCUMC/Warehouse.  Because you financially support HPCUMC/Warehouse the words of Solomon in Proverbs 11:25 ring true: “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”  Thank you for your faithful giving this past year.  Thank you in advance for your commitment to invest in the mission and ministry of HPCUMC/Warehouse in 2021!  

As we navigate these uncharted waters of COVID-19 we continue to create innovative ways to build community, stay connected, and fulfill our mission and ministry in the community and beyond.  As we creatively seek to “refresh others,” each commitment made for 2021 is invaluable.  Your generosity is a tangible way to embrace God’s call to partner with God in God’s acts of new creation. 

We invite you to join us in making a Commitment for 2021.  Please complete the Commitment Card you received in the mail (contact the church office if you need a commitment card mailed to you) and return it to the church one of the following ways:  Mail the card to the church, using the enclosed envelope, Mark the envelope Attn: Anna Lawson;  If you will be worshiping with us In-Person on October 18th, bring it with you to worship and place it in the offering plate; or bring your commitment card to the church office.  Alternatively, you can make your commitment on line at

Thank you for your faithfulness in these uncertain days.  You will be in our prayers as you determine how you will invest in the mission and ministry of Hyde Park Community/The Warehouse in 2021; it is a privilege to serve in ministry with you.  May our God of resurrection, bless you abundantly with resurrection living!

Though Christ,

Pastors Cathy and Doug

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