Our Team

Rev. Dr. Suzanne Allen

Co-Senior Pastor

Suzanne is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University where she received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature and Writing. She graduated with a Master of Divinity from Candler School of Theology at Emory University in 1998 and a Doctor of Ministry degree in Theology and Leadership Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary in 2006. Suzanne was ordained and elder in 2000. She is passionate about cultivating hope filled community, deepening faith, empowering leaders, inspiring innovation, and pursuing justice by utilizing gifts and skills in the areas of preaching, teaching, worship, administration, communication, discernment, strategic planning, and ongoing learning.


Rev. Dr. Todd Anderson

Co-Senior Pastor

Todd has been in ministry for 31 years of Ordained ministry. Ordained Deacon in 1991 and Elder in 1993, Anderson has served local United Methodist Congregations in Central Ohio (in the Columbus metro area -Linworth, Trinity, Church of the Master, and Hilliard) and Northwestern Ohio (Defiance St. Paul’s). He served as the District Superintendent in the Ohio River Valley District of the West Ohio Annual Conference. The Ohio River Valley District covers the 5 southwestern counties of Ohio with 116 congregations.

Todd’s key ministry verse is –

God has told you, O mortal, what is good;
    and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
    and to walk humbly with your God?- Micah 6:8

Rev. Anderson is enthusiastic about pastoral ministry, strategic planning, worship – creation and preaching. 


Worship Team

Rev. Kate Smith

Pastor of Mission & Outreach, Summer Impact Director

Ben Owen

Director of Music & Choirmaster

Brenda Portman

Resident Organist

Jenny Cauhorn

Carillon Choir Director

Aimee Stockdale

Praise & Worship Leader

Rev. Dave Weaver

Retired Pastor

Don Dixon

Pastor Emeritus

Connecting Team

Meredith Menius

Director of Connecting & Discipleship Ministries

Joni Welsh

Wedding Liaison

Discipleship Team

Meredith Menius

Director of Connecting & Discipleship Ministries

Rev. Kate Smith

Pastor of Young Adults

Julie Vail

Director of Preschool Ministry

Lindsay Garrison

Preschool Administrative Assistant

Dana Calhoun

Director of Youth & Family Ministry

Pam Pilger

Early Childhood Coordinator

Sara Pease

Children's Ministry Coordinator

Kevin Buckley

Pastor of Congregational Care

Christina Cotrone

Young Adult Ministry Coordinator

Mission & Outreach
and OTR Campus Team

Rev. Kate Smith

Pastor of Mission & Outreach, Summer Impact Director

Christina Cotrone

Mission and Outreach Coordinator

Communications Team

Shari Rust

Communication & Creative Design Director

Lisa Foley

Communication Ministry Assistant

Ethan Guseman

Director of Production & Visual Communication

Administration Team

Monica Gardner

Director of Finance

Margie Sanders

Finance Ministry Clerk

Amanda Kern

Receptionist & Ministry Support

Audrey Kroeger

Financial Assistant

Shawn Shouse

TDG Site Manager

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