Fellowship. Fun. Learning. Entertainment. Community. Spiritual Growth. Support.
The Senior Adult Ministry (SAM) at Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church offers activities and programs designed for those 60 years and over, as it has for many decades. SAM activities provide opportunities for fellowship, fun, education, support, and spiritual growth.
For more information or to receive the monthly mailings,
contact Kevin Buckley, at kbuckley@hpcumc.org or (513) 979-8190.
First Friday Fellowship
This group began in September 1949 as “The Doubles Club.” Couples met on the First Friday of each month for a dinner and program. In 1975 the group opened its membership to all church members and their guests, and the name was changed to First Friday Niters. In September 2021 the group moved from having dinner to a luncheon and was renamed, First Friday Fellowship. The group continues to meet eight months of the year (September through December and February through May) on the first Friday in the Refectory. Social time begins around 11:00 am, lunch is served at noon, and the one-hour program begins at 1:00 p.m. Reservations are required and the cost of the lunch is $10.00. No reservation or payment is needed to attend just the program.
For questions or more information, contact Kevin Buckley at kbuckley@hpcumc.org or (513) 979-8190.

Strength, Balance, & Flexibility
January Classes: 1/13, 1/20 and 1/27
Mondays from 11:15 AM to 12:00 PM
Choir Room on the second floor

Congregational Care
& Grief Support
The Congregational Care and Grief Support role interacts with members who are homebound, in nursing home facilities, hospitals, or hospice to provide support and maintain their connection with the church. For pre-surgery and post-surgery visits, the member and/or family needs to notify the church in advance. Coordination of funeral planning and initial grief support are offered when a death occurs. We also provide support and care for all forms of grievances that occur in every area of life beyond death. We want to help members find resources for what they need to process, grow, and find community in amongst grief.
If you or a loved one is in need of any of these services please contact Kevin Buckley at kbuckley@hpcumc.org or (513)971-8190

Kevin Buckley
Pastor of Congregational Care
If you are interested in participating in Senior Adult Ministry, please contact Kevin Buckley, Senior Adult Ministry Support.