What We Believe

What is Our Mission?

We strive to embody the hope and love of Jesus for all through service, worship, and companionship. 

In Prayer for Springfield, Ohio

We join people of faith from across the UMC, the USA, and around the world in prayer and support for the Haitian community in Springfield that has been the target of threats and violence based on lies and xenophobia. 

Statement from The General Board of Church and Society

Call to Prayer From Bishop Jung

Council of Bishops Statement
on Political Violence

 July 16, 2024 

Following the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump, the world is in deep sorrow and reflection. We absolutely condemn this act of violence. As people of faith, we are called to love one another and follow the example of Jesus Christ, who showed us the way to love, peace, and reconciliation. Christ calls us to be peacemakers in a world that often resorts to hate, violence, and division. 

The polarization of political beliefs has created a divided world that often breeds discord. As United Methodists, we are committed to seeking non-violent ways to resolve our differences. We denounce all acts of hatred and violence against groups or individuals. We are called to resist the temptation to engage in such acts and speech and commit to the work of compassion, peace, and unity. 

As Christ’s followers, we are called to be healers in our churches, communities, countries, and the world. In these times of political tension and disagreement, we must remember our shared humanity, the sacred worth, and the inherent dignity of every person. It is at times like this that God is calling us to renew our commitment to non-violence and remember our baptism vows, which urge us to renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of this world, and repent of our sin. Our baptism vows compel us to accept the freedom and power that God gives us to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves. 

We urge all United Methodists to denounce the divisive rhetoric and violence pervading our society and work towards creating paths of reconciliation, dialogue, and nonviolent solutions to our differences. May we love one another and build bridges towards peace and unity. 

We pray for former President Trump, his family, and all those affected by this tragic event. We also extend our heartfelt prayers to the families of those who were injured and those who lost their lives in this senseless act of violence. May God’s comforting presence be with them in their time of need. 

May God grant us grace to be God’s agents as healers, peacemakers, and bridge builders in a troubled and hurting world. 

We look forward to the day when all people “shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4) 

Bishop Tracy S. Malone President – Council of Bishops, The United Methodist Church 

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Israel and Palestine

The Israeli occupation of Palestinian land has been an ongoing crisis for much of our history, and it continues to be a humanitarian crisis for those in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. This active information sheet was created by the leadership of Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church for you to use to educate and advocate for a ceasefire. As United Methodists, we hold a stake in peace and justice for all, and this includes our Palestinian siblings. Please utilize the links provided, and share the resources as you can.
If you have any questions, email Meredith Menius at mmenius@hpcumc.org.

What We Believe

We seek to create arenas where people have significant, life-changing experiences of God through Jesus Christ and have opportunities to make a significant difference in the community, the city, and the world.

This is based upon the primary task of the local church as described in paragraph 243 of The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church 2008. The primary task is “reaching out and receiving with joy all who will respond; encouraging people in their relationship with God and inviting them to commitment to God’s love in Jesus Christ; providing opportunities for them to seek strengthening and growth in spiritual formation; and supporting them to live lovingly and justly in the power of the Holy Spirit as faithful disciples.

Statement of Welcome & Inclusion

At Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church, we are committed to the foundational principles that God’s grace extends to all people and all people are of sacred worth to God. We celebrate the gospel message of God’s boundless love and all the ways in which God’s family is diverse and whole.

We welcome and affirm persons of any age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, ethnic or cultural background, faith tradition, physical and mental ability, economic condition, marital status, family configuration or place on the spectrum of conservative, centrist or progressive.

We affirm that all people are created in the image of God and that as beloved children of God, all are worthy of God’s love and grace. We welcome the full inclusion of all people in the life and ministry of Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church as we journey toward reconciliation through Christ.

We recognize the differences among us as wonderful gifts that teach us how to love alike even though we may not think alike.  We are confident that all of us, regardless of our views, can join arm in arm and heart in heart to build God’s kingdom.

We proclaim this statement of welcome to all who have known the pain of exclusion and discrimination in the church or in society and know that everyone’s participation in our ministries enriches us. We invite all people to join us in our faith journey toward greater love, understanding, and mutual respect.

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Part of acting on our Inclusivity Statement as a faith community is participating in the Cincinnati Juneteenth Festival Celebration and the Cincinnati Pride Parade. Click on the buttons below to explore more about these events:

History & A Way Forward

A Way Forward

Timelines of general conference and HPCUMC actions to find a way forward.

HPCUMC History

Learn more and check out an interactive timeline of the history of our church!

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