I am sure I am not alone in asking the question: What do you get someone who has everything for Christmas? Our Alternative Christmas Giving has the answer: The transformation of a life! Hyde Park Community U.M.C. has offered “Alternative Christmas Giving” for a number of years. This year Alternative Christmas Giving donations will go to help provide much needed Christian curriculum translated into Russian. By participating in the Alternative Christmas Giving program, a $10 donation will cover the cost of printing one book.
God is raising up new leaders in countries with long histories of persecuting Christians. The emerging churches in countries like Russia mirrors the churches described in the book of Acts in the first century. For over 70 years Christianity was forbidden in Russia. With the fall of communism the United Methodist Church was provided the opportunity to form faith communities based on the Wesleyan understanding of Grace.
The United Methodist Church in Russia, and other eastern block nations, is a very young church. The leadership of Samara UMC is pleading for their brothers and sisters in the west to teach, guide, and mentor. They yearn for resources in their language to be used in training leaders, and discipleship resources to assist in deepening their walk with God through Jesus Christ.
As HPCUMC deepens our relationship with Samara UMC we have committed to help the Samara UMC translate resources in leadership development, marriage and family, divorce care, and youth/young adult ministry. Your Alternative Christmas Gift of $10 will go a long way in equipping our Christian brothers and sisters in Samara for mission and ministry. With each donation of $10 or more you will receive a Christmas card to give to your loved one acknowledging the gift.
You can make your donation to the Alternative Christmas Giving program in the Welcome Center Sunday mornings, or stop in the office during the week. May God bless you this Advent season as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
In Christ,
Pastor Doug