Hyde Park Community Task Force on a Way Forward

The Task Force on a Way Forward has been hard at work listening to, and soliciting individual thoughts, hopes and dreams of the congregation.  On October 3, the Task Force met to work on a recommendation to the October 14th Servant Leadership Board meeting.  Thank you for your participation in this process.  In addition to the listening sessions, and the congregational survey, Hyde Park community sent a delegation of 3 people (Al Painter, Servant Leadership Board Chair, Pastor Cathy Johns, and Pastor Doug Johns) to the Leadership Institute 2019, hosted by The Rev. Adam Hamilton, The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leewood, Kansas.

Over 2,500 United Methodist, from across the USA gathered to worship together, hear proposals forwarded to the 2020 General Conference and had dialogue with the “United Methodist Next” leadership with regard to plans leading up to, and beyond the 2020 General Conference.  Over the course of 3 days, 4 major proposals going to General Conference were discussed:  The UMC Next Plan; The Indianapolis Plan; The Connectional Table Plan; and the N.E.W. Plan (Details of each plan can be found at www.umnews.org).  Speakers included: The Rev. Adam Hamilton, author and columnist David Brooks, and a number of U.M. Bishops.  There was a panel of clergy and laity who presented historical and cultural pressure points the United Methodist Church has faced and overcome: Pre and Post Slavery, The Civil Rights era, the Ordination of Women and Women in leadership.

The Conference helped to bring clarity for the 2,500 attendees (including this Pastor) regarding a healthy, vibrant, and vital path forward as the church (both the UMC and HPC) strives to be faithful to God’s call to partner with God in God’s acts of New Creation and Resurrection Living. I invite, and encourage, you to go to www.sharechurch.com , click on “Leadership Institute 2019” and listen to Adam Hamilton’s opening remarks (Wednesday evening), and David Brooks (Thursday afternoon).

As we strive to chart a path forward that is welcoming, inclusive, and diverse I invite you to pray for wisdom as we strive to mirror to the world God’s love; loving as we have been loved. As we live into God’s preferred future, additional resources available to you can be found at the following:  llumc.org/umscholars.  May God’s blessings abound as we participate in bringing God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven!

Through Christ,

Pastor Doug


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