When life gets turned upside down, choices are made. Some withdraw in fear and hide. Others step forward in courage to lift up those around them.
A calling ministry, with over 55 servant volunteers, stepped forward to connect with our church family. One of them expressed: “I was blessed to be part of the call team. Even though it was at times uncomfortable calling people I did not know, I am a caregiver by nature and I was glad to be able to do something to feel like I was helping while maintaining physical distance.”
Another caller wrote this, entitled “A Greater Purpose”:
God so loves us through it all, regardless of the day.
From soaring highs to troubled times, He always shows the way.
God has taught us what to do, to be His hands and feet.
Especially in uncertain times to everyone we meet.
And now today, in scary times, when viruses abound,
A call, a card to those in need, we’re friends that others found.
Groceries, games, and household goods appear as simple gifts.
But when another has the need it’s just the perfect lift!
Time that’s spent in listening too, can calm a troubled heart.
Imagine what can happen when we each will do our part!
By spreading love to others, we can follow as we’re led
And learn from God’s own teaching from the thousands that He fed.
We must remember why we’re here, and focus on the goal:
To carry out God’s mission that will imprint on our soul.
I, for one, stand amazed at how Hyde Park Community UMC has stepped forward to respond to needs in our community. You have shared God’s love in significant ways! This weekend we will gather online for a Celebration of God’s Love. We hope to connect with you at 9:30 or 11:00 a.m. on Sunday (www.hydeparkchurch.org or our Facebook page.)
Pastor Cathy Johns