Unlikely Treasure: The Blue Bowl

Once a friend of my mother noticed an old metal blue bowl that I had on a top shelf.  She liked it so much that she told my mother she would like to purchase it from me.  She thought it was very valuable.  Before that day, I never gave that blue bowl a second thought.  Somehow, after someone thought it was valuable, I looked at it differently.  I still have the bowl.

Two parables of Jesus will be explored this Sunday and invite us to think about what is really important in our lives.  It is so easy to put ourselves in “auto-pilot” zone, going from one thing to the next, simply completely our “to do lists” for the day. Jesus invites us to think about what we are willing to pursue –  what things in our life have us go “all in.”  These are things that we are willing to make sacrifices for, things that are the highest priorities in our lives.

There are times in our lives when we discover what really matters.  Once there may have been fog or confusion, but now crystal clear clarity has come.  When I look at the ministry of Jesus, one thing stands out.  He did not do anything halfway.  Jesus was always “all in.”  He never partially healed someone.  He never partially challenged someone.  His mission was clear:  bringing the kingdom of heaven to earth.   His life, ministry, sacrifice, and His death and resurrection usher in a new day….. He points us to the treasure that was worth dying for:  Love.

May God richly bless you this week as you seek what is important.  May God give us strength to follow in the footsteps of Christ:  Loving God.  Loving Neighbor.   


Pastor CathyU

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