The Sisters Who Sang for Me

Several years ago I attended a national United Methodist Clergywomen’s Conference in San Diego.   Since we are a global church, there were women in attendance from around the world.  There were several women bishops present and powerful, creative worship.

One particular evening there was a Taize worship service.  I attended but I came with a handicap. Because of laryngitis, I was unable to sing or speak.

The Taize community, located in Burgundy, France was founded in 1940.  Brother Roger yearned for living a life in alignment with scripture.  In the wake of the defeat of the French in 1940, he sought to form a community that would assist people who were discouraged or out of work, creating a space for people to participate in work and the spiritual discipline of silence.

Taize music has a unique quality.  It stems from the idea that when one sings, one prays twice.  A simple phrase is sung prayerfully, often a simple scripture such as “The Lord is my light, my light and my salvation…whom shall I fear?”  As the song continues, harmonies and sometimes descants are added.  The music eventually “soars” and then usually returns to the original, simple line.

That night in San Diego, surrounded by hundreds of singing sisters in Christ, I worshipped God with my whole heart.   I chose to sit in the middle of the room.  My voice did not sing one note.  My sisters in Christ sang for me; I was richly blessed.

Thank you for being a part of this community of faith; we are blessed because you are here.


Pastor Cathy

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