The Ripple Effect

In our Gospel lesson for this Sunday (Mark 10:32-35) we find two of the disciples jockeying for power and glory, and the other ten are “angry.”  Jesus, as only Jesus can do, sees this as a teachable moment: “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.”  

Following the Christ, we too are called to cease our futile power grab, driven by our ego.  As we humbly seek to serve rather than be served, we experience an anointing of divine power that propels us, like a pebble into the water, participating in the transformative ripple effect of God’s new creation.

At HPCUMC we value the part God calls us to play.  Therefore, it is a priority for our faith community to be provided opportunity to use our gifts in service, so that others may experience the transforming power of God’s light and love!  To this end, our Ministry Fair, and your opportunity to make your service commitment, has gone virtual (for those who cannot and/or do not use the computer we will mail the material to you.  Please call the church office).

We encourage you to join in the ministry fair by clicking on the following link: or go to our website. 

Explore the many ways available to use your gifts in service through HPCUMC.  Identify how you would like to serve.  Then complete the service commitment form.  Using your gifts in service you become part of the ripple effect of God’s love!

Mother Teresa says it well, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”  I look forward to 2021 as we come together and cast our stones across the waters, creating ripples of God’s light and love!.  May God’s blessings abound!

Through Christ,

Pastor Doug

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