The Dollar in My Wallet

For several years I carried a dollar in my wallet that was a bit unusual. It was a real dollar, but my friend folded it in the shape of a shirt. He shared that he keeps one in his wallet to encourage him to be a generous person. It helped remind him of the teachings of Jesus who taught us to be willing to give the shirt off of our back as well as walk a second mile with someone who required us to walk one.

My father always taught that you can only spend a dollar once. Managing money is something that is easy for some and a challenge for others. The book of Proverbs, which is wisdom literature in the Bible, has wonderful guidance about how to be wise with money. On our dollar bills we read the words: “In God We Trust.”

This Sunday’s message, “Managing Your Money,” continues our series on Proverbs, “Lifelines: Ancient Wisdom for Today.” The scripture, Proverbs 3:9-10, helps us see God’s plan for money management.

For additional help: John Fillion, a dynamic leader here among us at Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church, will be leading a course this fall about money management. “Earn, Save, Give: Wesley’s Simple Rules for Money” will offer tools to help class members manage money in a way that brings joy and blesses others.

God has given us the wonderful resources of time and money. We are in the process of a building a church-wide data base of our congregation’s spiritual gifts. When people serve in their area of giftedness they find energy and joy; likewise, when people try to serve where they are not gifted they often feel discouraged and depleted of joy. As you identify your spiritual gifts, we pray that you will consider how you can step up as the hands and feet of Christ, blessing the world with the abilities and talents God has given you. Please fill out the spiritual gifts sheet in your bulletin or online and attend a spiritual gifts class, listed in your bulletin. We are creating a database of these spiritual gifts so that we can effectively mobilize our congregation to serve in their areas of passion, giftedness, and skill. As we move forward we will be helping to make these wonderful words of scripture come alive in our midst:

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” I Peter 4:10

May God fill you with wisdom, courage, and strength as you manage the gifts of time and money that God has given you.


Pastor Cathy

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