Our Life Together and COVID-19

As I reflect upon the journey we’ve made together over the past year I am amazed where our journey has taken us.  As we have navigated the uncharted waters we have adapted with innovation and perseverance. Through it all I am grateful for your faithfulness to the Great Commandment: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength; the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself”; and the New Commandment from Jesus: “Love one another as I have loved you.”  In solidarity with you I have been humbled by your commitment, not only to your health, but the health and wellbeing of the community at large.  

As we continue to navigate the waters of COVID-19, the HPC Task Force of 5 medical professionals (members of HPC) continues to provide invaluable guidance, and support, to the Servant Leadership Board as we strive to keep the HPC family connected and engaged.

On February 20th the Task Force met to discuss current data, medical trends, and formulate a recommendation to the Servant Leadership Board, specifically with respect to resuming In-Person worship.  As of February 20, new cases of the virus, in the State and Hamilton County had dropped exponentially.  Hospitalizations in Hamilton County, and Virus-related ICU admits had dropped significantly; and deaths continue to drop.  The Task Force discussed criteria for resuming In-Person worship which include: 1. Continued decline in new cases, and hospitalizations;  2. Mandatory mask wearing; and 3. Social Distancing.  The Task Force will re-convene on March 14 to evaluate and discuss a time line for In-Person worship, hopefully late April.

Thank you for your patience and perseverance as together we navigate our way through our current reality.  We strive to keep you informed well in advance of changes, and look forward to seeing you in person.  The past year has proven, once again, what an amazing faith community HPCUMC is as we offer God’s light and love to the world through our mission and ministry!  Stay healthy, safe and blessed!

Through Christ,

Pastor Doug

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