Jesus: A Jewish Rabbi with a Twist

He did things rabbis did. Teaching in the synagogue on the Sabbath, Jesus embraced tradition. He also practiced what Luke Powery, of Duke University, calls “traditioned innovation.” Powery describes it:

Jesus embodies a both-and, not an either-or posture.

Jesus works within a tradition but is not enslaved by it. He is free from it, though he respects it.

Historian Jaroslav Pelikan, a former professor at Yale, explains the difference between tradition and traditionalism:

“Tradition is the living faith of the dead; traditionalism is the dead faith of the living.”

It was Jesus’ innovation, the fresh understand of God’s Law, that got him in trouble with the religious authorities. Jesus stepped into our lives to bring life-giving character to tradition, freeing us from rules that bind us with God’s grace that sets us free.

As we enter Holy Week, I invite you to come and walk with Jesus. On Maundy Thursday, a new, creative service with four dramatic readings from gifted laity, will bless us. Friday we will gather around the cross to remember the precious sacrifice of our Savior. Sunday morning we will celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus.

As we enter Holy Week, I look forward to walking with you and our Savior, Jesus, whose love liberates us from death itself and leads us to life.


Pastor Cathy

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