Choosing Joy

Peter Pan very distressed because it was missing.  Fortunately Nana, the dog, grabbed it before it escaped out the window.  Wendy, one of the Darling children, sewed it back on Peter Pan.  He was now whole again; he had his shadow back. 

Christmas lights and cheerful songs flood our senses during these final days of Advent.  As ancient peoples longed for the return of the sun, many people feel a deep absence of joy.

As Peter Pan lost his shadow, many people have lost their joy.  Feeling beaten down by the anxiety and uncertainty of these days, people struggle to catch and retain authentic real joy.

It is helpful to remember that joy is one of the fruits of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23)  If we feel we have lost our joy, the Holy Spirit can restore us with true, abiding joy.  When the Holy Spirit “sews” our joy back onto us, we will be made new.   Christ calls us to be a people of joy, regardless of our circumstances, and to seek ways to brighten the world of others by stepping into the lives of others with the light of Jesus.

Joy, however, is not something that flits around like Tinkerbell or a shadow.  The joy we find in Christ is the anchor that centers us and holds us steady regardless of life’s challenges.

Henri Nouwen reminds us that joy is a choice:  

“Joy does not simply happen to us.  We have to choose joy and keep on choosing it every day.”

This Christmas you will have many things to choose; I invite you to choose joy.  

After all, it was part of the message of the angels: “I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior who is Christ the Lord.”  (from Luke 2)

In His Joy,

Pastor Cathy

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