Out of Context: Love

Our new sermon series “Out of Context” will offer insights to the use and misuse of Biblical texts that are mostly familiar to us.  To guide our sermon series we are using the book by Josh Scott titled, Context Putting Scripture In Its Place.  Scott serves as a pastoral leader at GracePoint Church in Nashville, TN., a church nationally recognized for its teaching and social witness. As a companion to the book, Pastor Josh offers a video summary of the text with exegesis and explanation. Scott’s goal is that each text is set in its original context, but he also warns and lifts up the misuse of scripture to support ideas that are not biblical. The book and the companion video series are excellent resources. They help us think differently about these passages and their intended use. You can access the videos for free using our Hyde Park Community UMC Amplify account. You can do so using this URL in your browser:  Context | Amplify Media.  You set up your personal account.  Our church password is:TVSWBP

Today we will consider 1 Corinthians 13.  This passage’s context was to settle a church quarrel over spiritual gifts.  First Corinthians is often used to define the parameters of Christian Marriage.  So do you see the misuse?  Christian Marriage – Ending a Church Quarrel?  Out of Context, right?  In the sermon, we will discuss these aspects and many more, including a conversation about the celebration of Juneteenth and Father’s Day as they connect to the notion of the specific kind of Love, lifted up in the text, as the “greatest of these.”  This is going to be an eye opening sermon series. Please take advantage of these opportunities to fully explore the series outside of worship: the summer book study, the weekly Sunday Sermon Discussions on the texts each week and the videos on Amplify Media.  

A word about Patti-

Patti was released from the hospital on Monday June 10 after developing a post-operative infection, earlier the previous week. She is back to work and receiving daily IV therapy at home for 30 days.  We want to thank everyone for all the food, care and prayers.

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