Support the Intergenerational Mission Trip to Tijuana and Rosarito, Mexico

A team of 7 representing 5 decades gathered for their first pre-immersion meeting on May 11th for the upcoming visit to our global partners Tijuana Christian Mission, a children’s home and Women with Purpose, a women’s shelter. The team will be serving with our partners July 6-11th doing various capital improvement projects, but most importantly building relationships with the children, teens, young adults, women, and staff. 

In thinking about how the rest of the congregation can support the visit, praying for the team and the people of Tijuana Christian Mission and Women with Purpose easily came to mind. The team members are:

•  Henry Perkins

•  Yana Keck

•  Mary Wheeler

•  Scott Schap

•  Laura Schap

•  Olivia Klenke

•  Kate Smith

Another way you can support the team and our partners is by providing donations to take with them to be used by the children, teens, and women. The team is flying Southwest which allows for two free bags and it is the goal to fill 7 bags with donations from the church. You can bring them in through the month of June and drop off in the bins in the Social Hall or utilize the Amazon shopping link: and have the item sent directly to the church. 

Items requested:

•  Ibuprofen

•  Midol

•  Allergy medicine

•  Kotex pads

•  Women razors

•  Women deodorant

•  Men deodorant

Thank you for supporting the team with prayer and donations as you are able as they engage in ministry with our global partners! 


Pastor Kate

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