An Article by Sadell and Sherman Bradley

In June of 2019, Sherman and I had the pleasure of meeting pastors Doug and Cathy Johns and Brad Aycock, the leader of the Greenhouse Church Planting Network of the West Ohio Conference. Some would say it was a chance meeting. We would call it Divine providence. Hyde Park Community UMC was looking to revive ministry in the Over The Rhine, and we were searching for a building. We did not realize then that a strong partnership would ensue and the Lord would begin to do marvelous things, as we were graced to partner with two magnificent leaders in God’s Kingdom. 

Doug and Cathy have shown tremendous wisdom, grace, and love toward us and The Warehouse Church, OTR. They’ve made sensible and discerning decisions that have helped us navigate the COVID pandemic crisis. They’ve offered us the benefit of their almost 40 years of United Methodist experience, extending themselves to help us understand the goings on in the denomination. Their exemplary leadership and the culture they’ve fostered at Hyde Park Community UMC extends to its staff and lay leaders who have been such a blessing to us as well. In the swelling tides of change and uncertainty, they have proved to be stalwart, stable, and balanced pastoral church leaders. 

Though this is a melancholy season, and we are somewhat sad to see them retire…we are grateful that the Lord allowed our paths to cross and for all of the insights we’ve gleaned from them in such a short time. 

Doug and Cathy, we pray God’s choicest blessings on this next part of your journey. May the Lord continue to extend His glorious grace and love to you and your family for many years to come!

With our love and gratitude,

Sadell & Sherman Bradley & The Warehouse Church OTR Family

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