The Walking Dead
Zombies, or the walking dead, are part of a long-running television series. I am not really a Zombie fan, but the special effects and costumes are fun to watch. I am sure that the hair and make-up crew for Zombies enjoy letting their creative juices flow.
As we conclude the season of Eastertide, an important question arises: “Are you alive or dead?” It may seem to be a ridiculous question at first. Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord, tells his disciples “Because I live, you also will live.” Are you just going through the motions of life, staggering around like a Zombie, or have you embraced your identity as one who is fully alive in Christ?
This weekend’s message concludes our sermon series “Who am I?” The scripture from Ephesians 2 celebrates our identity in Christ: “Alive, not Dead.”
We are a people who are alive and well, serving as the hands and feet of Christ to bless the world.
May God richly bless you this weekend!
Pastor Cathy