The Doctor is IN!

Easter is many different things to many different people. Easter is my favorite day of the year. The victory over sin and death has been won. We are healed through the power of God who raised Jesus from the dead.  We join the voices of people around the world who claim the victory that is ours:

“Christ is Risen!  Alleluia!”

But what difference does the Resurrection make in my life?

Someone once said, “Jesus walks in when the world has walked out.”

Jesus wants you to experience the deep abiding joy of His presence.  Celebrate with me today the Risen Christ who brings healing to:

our selfish natures and invites us to give ourselves

away in love for others….

Jesus is the Lord of Love

our hearts which can become weary and tired….

Jesus is the Good Shepherd

our broken dreams,  and picks up the pieces of our lives….

Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life

our bodies and minds, plagued by worry and illness….

Jesus is the Great Physician

our fears about life and death….

Jesus is the Keeper of our Souls

Today we celebrate that Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, is present with us:  The Doctor is in!

May your Easter be filled with love, peace, and deep, abiding joy!

Joy in our Risen Lord,

Pastor Cathy

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