Reset and Resist

As we begin the New Year, we offer for your consideration the notions of reset and resist. Resistance comes in many forms, but for our use, we will consider the social constructs that keep people separated from being a beloved community. Through this series we will engage in conversation in the following areas, community striving for peace, justice, and equity for all people. Resetting is simply what you might expect – starting anew – thinking anew.  For our consideration is seeing the world as God see it instead of rehearsing the old winner and loser constructs that have plagued humanity from the beginning.

The passages for this week from Philippians and Matthew are set in the context of Roman occupation.  Freedom exists in the private thoughts of people-not always in public action.  Public dissent on religious or personal grounds is sedition, and yet followers of Jesus created forums to speak out.

Resistance in the early church took a common greeting and turned it into an early creed. Philippians 2:11 proclaims Jesus is Lord, to the Glory of God.  In Rome, Caesar is not only King but also God.  Cultural conversations began and ended with the words “Caesar is Lord”, so to proclaim Jesus is Lord is resistance.  However, you cannot proclaim that or take the risk without resetting your mind.

In Matthew, strangers offer resistance from the East.  They did not fall prey to the trap set by Herod.  The trap – to locate a king so “I might pay him homage” is the request given. Going home by another road was not the “easy way out” – but rather a direct affront.  The strangers from the East undercut Herod’s authority in his own kingdom.

As we consider resetting ourselves for the New Year, we offer some resources for you to reset and resist the world. They will show up in preaching this week, but they are also available for your consideration.

Social Principle: Community of All Creation:

Dominant vs. Inclusive Culture values to consider:

•  Social Creed:

•  Video:

•  For social media: 

Pastor Todd

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