OTR Campus

1310 Race St.

Emerging Ministries at OTR

On Sunday, September 15th the OTR Discernment Team presented to over 75 people the approved Servant Leadership Board plan to move forward with creating a plan for emerging ministries at the church building in OTR and a community laundromat and temporary housing at the building adjacent to the OTR church. Everyone present was encouraged to think about ways they might support this vision and possibly serve on one of the 3 working teams (Laundromat Ministry Team, Temporary Housing Ministry Team, and Emerging Ministry Team). 

On Wednesday, October 23 a group gathered representing each of the three worship services and 5 generations to begin to dream and plan for next steps in creating emerging ministries at the OTR church building and work to open a community laundromat and temporary housing at the building next door. Pastor Kate discussed how this work is thrilling, important, and daunting as we commit to partnering with God, our OTR neighbors, and various mission partners. Therefore, we would need to ground our work in prayer. While strategy and planning matters, we know that ministry is ignited, fueled and sustained through prayer and seeking God. 

Emerging Ministries Team

Amy Greene                

Ronda Deel                 

Ben Owen.                   

Karen Bruner              

Elisabeth Kuhlman    

Lon Kaylor                    

Drea Osterbur           

Austin Tinsley

Jan Seymour

Rev. Dave Weaver

Sue Mueller

Kate Hawkins

Donna Grummich

Dave Robertson

First Saturday Community Breakfast

Grace on Race St. Market

As a way to support what’s happening at the OTR Campus, we invite you to join us in prayer. By praying daily for the OTR ministries, you are already being a big support! 

OTR Campus General Prayer

Creator God, keep us ever mindful of and curious to your presence, thankful for what has been and excited for what is to come in Over-the-Rhine. May we walk in humility as we work to connect with your beloved community. Open our ears so that we would always hear you. Break our hearts for what breaks yours. Holy Spirit lead us always to where you need us to be. Equip us to be a courageous movement embodying hope and love as we proclaim and practice in fresh ways, the Good News to all we encounter. We ask all of this in Jesus’ name. Amen

Laundry Ministry Prayer

Dear God, we pray that as we work to provide fresh perspective to a community please allow us to follow your example of humility and service. Remind us to constantly put the needs of others above our own desires. Help cleanse the souls of all those this ministry will reach and allow us to clean more hearts than clothes. Amen. 

Emerging Ministry Prayer

Almighty God, thrill us to your possibilities. Reveal important pathways. While it may be daunting, empower us to know and do your will. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. 

Temporary Housing Ministry Prayer

Creator God, Help our church develop a plan that serves Your will. A plan that allows us to dream exciting big dreams for Your people. A plan that provides our team a THRILLING energy that keeps us motivated. But also one that is grounded and practical so that the plan is achievable. Help us to continue to move forward pushing through the DAUNTING tasks at hand, to be able to do Your IMPORTANT work. Amen

Rev. Kate Smith

Pastor of Mission & Outreach

If you are interested in participating in the OTR emerging ministries efforts, please contact Rev. Kate Smith, Pastor of Mission and Outreach.

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