It’s Mine!

If you observe a two-year old with their favorite toy, you will notice that they are not eager to share. At some level they are fearful that someone will come and take away their toy. At that young age, they cannot understand how sharing works. The toy can be enjoyed by another without it’s being taken away, removed forever.

This weekend we will receive an offering for “One Great Hour of Sharing.” Its purpose is to empower, provide water, supply food, and give relief from disasters.

Here are a few ways that this offering makes an impact:

In southeastern Michigan, three months after massive flooding, 900 homes needed mucking out. One Great Hour of Sharing provided training and support to help these communities with long-term recovery needs.

In eastern Kenya, people in Mbangulo went hungry without enough water to cook food. The task of fetching water took most of the day; women were at risk for sexual assault on their long journey to obtain water. One Great Hour of Sharing supported the building of a dam to provide living-giving water to their community.

Ersi Biliu and her husband in Timor, Indonesia could only afford to buy one packet of vegetable seeds at a time. After harvesting their meager crop of vegetables, to feed their six children, they simply went without. One Great Hour of Sharing provided them with several seek packets and nutrition education.

This Sunday you can make a difference! Your Gift to One Great Hour of Sharing will bring water, food, and hope to many in need.

I am looking forward to celebrating the Lord’s Day with you this Sunday.


Pastor Cathy Johns

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