As we live into these final days of Advent we pray with the Psalmist, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10). Our prayer is a prayer of anticipation and expectation as we welcome Christ Jesus in the home of our hearts, where God makes all things new and reminds us we are not alone.
As we travel these final days of Advent, we journey with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. With expectancy we anticipate the birth of Christ Jesus in, through, and around us. The following poem captures this expectant waiting:
Lo, in the silent night
A child to God is born
And all is brought again
That ere was lost or lorn.
Could but thy soul, O human,
Become a silent night!
God would be born in thee
And set all things aright. (15th Century)
As Father Richard Rohr says, “God cannot not love God’s universally-begotten child in you.” I pray that in all our preparations we are able to prepare for God’s birthing and live in experiential knowledge of God’s love. Knowing in heart and mind that we are not alone, indeed never alone, for Emanuel (God with us) has come! I look forward to seeing you in Church!
Advent Blessings,
Pastor Doug