Henderson Settlement and Red Bird Mission

The Community Ministry/Global Outreach team of Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church develops strategies for supporting local, national, and international partners who make up the core of our outreach ministry.

Two of our Global Partners are Henderson Settlement and Red Bird Mission in rural Appalachia, Kentucky. Both partners seek to meet the needs of those in poverty.

The Henderson Settlement seeks to provide for basic needs (education, housing, food, clothing, jobs) of residents in the community, as the church offers God’s love through acts of service and financial support.

The Red Bird Mission School has educated and shaped the faith of children from families of coal miners and loggers from three different counties in the Appalachia region of Kentucky.

Twice a year Bob Keith, member of Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church, and adjunct Professor and Director of Audiology Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Cincinnati, organizes a team of student clinicians (Doctor of Audiology students), to minister at Red Bird mission. The teams provide hearing health care. In addition to hearing screening, the teams are involved in hearing testing, removal of ear wax, hearing aid fitting, ear molds, checking previous hearing aids to be sure they are functioning and making minor adjustments if necessary.

I invite you to pray with me as Bob leads a group of students to serve the communities of Red Bird Mission November 17-19. We will take a moment to commission Bob to the work he will lead, on Sunday, November 15 at 9:30 am. As Bob prepares to lead this group, we pray that God will bless Bob and the group with wisdom and strength.

Thank you for your support of Henderson Settlement and Red Bird Mission over the years. We look forward to deepening our relationship with the communities they serve in the years to come.

In Christ,
Pastor Doug

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