Today we often hear the phrase, “We’ve never been at this place before.” The times in which we live are filled with lots of twists and turns. Somehow getting from Point A to Point B would be much easier if somehow we had a faithful map and could understand the directions.
Migratory birds in the United States were tagged by the Department of the Interior with metal strips that read: Wash. Biol. Surv. – for Washington Biological Survey. The tags were changed after they received this letter from a farmer: “Dear Sirs, I shot one of your crows. My wife followed the cooking instructions: washed it, boiled it, and served it. It was the worst thing we ever ate.”
In times like these we find ourselves standing at intersections that no one would have predicted just nine months ago. Therapists report that both anxiety and depression are taking a toll on people. These are stressful times.
As people of faith, we do have a compass to help us find our way. God, who is our constant companion and guide, will help direct our path. Join us this Sunday for Holy Communion as we worship online: Traditional Worship at 9:30 and Worship @ 11, our contemporary praise service. Please have your bread and juice ready at the beginning of the service;. The Table will be extended. The bread and cup, both in the sanctuary and in your home, will be blessed.
We look forward to connecting with you as the Body of Christ this Sunday. Have a blessed weekend!
Pastor Cathy