Building Up:  A Foundation of Encouragement

I was chatting with someone this week who is living encouragement.  However, there is clear struggle embracing their gift of encouragement even though it reflects Jesus.    This person said to me, “I never thought of myself as an evangelist”.  I get that.  But creating the foundation of encouragement is an essential component of Christian community.  It is what we evangelize about!

Take away encouragement, there is not hope.

Take away hope there is no Gospel.

Take away the Gospel there is no context for talking about Jesus.

After every personal meeting or phone call ended, the words came “Be Encouraged!”  I must admit that many times this just fell flat.  The root of the word encouraged is “courage” one of the values in our strategic plan. The courage point is to be aware that we are part of something bigger than ourselves and that part of our courage is to share a message of hope, which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The message “Be Encouraged” is a growing lesson for me to build up.

Building up gives way to the notion of layers. Layers are necessary for creating the foundation of our faith.  Each layer is an experience, a message, a moment in time that changes things in our lives through relationship and meaning making. These layers are laminated one upon the other.  On their own they are not strong.  But together nearly unbreakable. 

This unbreakable piece shows up in the conversation between David and his son Solomon.  David creates a legacy and gives it to his son.  Solomon will build the Temple.  The foundation is filled with details about lampstands, walls and other appointments inside the building. Dimensions and the location of walls and specific rooms for various activities are mentioned and in the plan.  They are there not only to protect the Ark of the Covenant, but to create space and place for the worship of the Almighty God.  At this point, the nomadic area of 12 Tribes of Israel is over and a central place to gather is needed.  It is a place to visit from all points of the country – to be the People Israel.

Paul picks up on this notion in the 3rd Chapter in his letter to Corinth.  Corinth is an ancient world metropolis.  A trading center, a crossroads of culture and one of the locations of the Jewish diaspora of this era.  Like the Hebrew conversation between David and Solomon, Paul is encouraging the congregation to use the finest materials, in building up their faithfulness to God.  Unlike First Chronicles, the space and place is on the inside of believers not a building.  However, the metaphor works and we get the message.  Our task is to build each other up, and in so doing we build up our selves.

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