Adult Ministry

Adult Ministry

Grow deeper in faith and community. Whether you are new to HPCUMC or you have been hanging around waiting for an opportunity, there is a group for you. Groups for learning meet throughout the week. These groups combine fellowship, study, and sharing in a comfortable friendly atmosphere.

Sunday School Classes

Sunday School Classes


Adult Bible Study Class with Pete Rudowski, Room 205

The Adult Bible Study Class is led by Rev. Pete Rudowski, a retired Lutheran pastor, and is made up of adults that gather to explore the depths of scripture together. The class is lecture-based, with all material organized by Pete himself. 

Some examples of previous materials include: Luke, Jesus, and the Disciples, The Prophets According to Pete, Life Lessons of the Psalms, and others. 

To get involved, email Pete Rudowski at

Faith Weavers, Library

Faith Weavers is led by Mike Hickerson and is made up of people between the ages of 40-55, including some who are parents of high school and college-aged children. is discussion-based and moves through different books or resources. 

Some examples of previous books/resources include: Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by Adele Calhoun, HPCUMC Lenten or Advent devotionals, and others.

To get involved, email Mike Hickerson at

Let’s Get Real, Parlor

Let’s Get Real is made up of people between the ages of 30-45, including parents of young children (infant-middle school aged). This group is discussion-based and focuses on the hard questions of our faith and why we believe what we believe in a safe, inclusive, and honest environment. 

Some examples of previous books/resources include: Subversive Sabbath by A.J. Swoboda, What is the Bible? by Rob Bell, the Evolving Faith podcast, and others.

To get involved, email Jason Burgess at


Current Events and Faith, Parlor

Join Meredith Menius, Director of Connecting and Discipleship Ministries, as we start a new class, Current Events and Faith, at 11:00am in the Parlor for the 2023-2024 year (September-May)! 

New Ventures, Library/Zoom

New Ventures is led by Rev. Dr. Michael Vilardo, and is made up of people ages 50 and up. This class is hybrid style and is also discussion-based. The group is focused on progressive Christian theology to grow in faith while learning also applying issues currently happening in our society. 

Some examples of previous books/resources include: Do I Stay Christian by Brian McLaren, Short Stories by Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine, Fear of the Other by Will Willimon, and others.

To get involved, email Michael Vilardo at

Soul Builders, Room 205

Soul Builders is led by Ronda Deel and is made up of people ages 55 and up. This class is discussion-based and includes books by a diverse group of authors for the group to grow together in faith and life from a variety of voices. 

Some examples of previous books/resources include: Falling Upward by Richard Rohr, Forgiveness by Adam Hamilton, Saving Grace by Kristen Powers, and others.

To get involved, email Ronda Deel at

Mid-Week Classes

Mid-Week Classes

Sunday Connect Group

Meets the 1st Sunday of the month
Now until May
At the home of David & Jill Colaw

A new group has started! This group is made up of people who have college-aged children and older who are interested in discussing current events and growing in their faith through books and guest speakers, as well as participating in service projects together to build community. The group meets the first Sunday of the month until May at the home of David and Jill Colaw. 

If you are interested in attending, please email Jill Colaw at

Pastor Suzanne's Tuesday Evening Bible Study

Tuesday evenings
Every other Tuesday
Begins August 27th - November 5th

Join us this fall as we study Acts! We will study the book of Acts using Matthew Skinner’s book Acts: Catching Up with the Spirit to guide our discussion.

Please register on Realm or through the church office. Books will be available from the office in early August for a $10 donation.

In Acts: Catching up with the Spirit, author and biblical scholar Matthew Skinner provides an introduction to this important book and its story of the early church learning to bear witness about God’s salvation through Jesus Christ.

Skinner explores six key themes that illustrate the ways in which reading Acts is capable of igniting our imagination about the character of the Christian message, the work of God’s people (the church), and the challenges of living faithfully in a complex and changing world.

Pastor Todd Anderson’s Study

Tuesday mornings, Refectory
August 27, September 3, 10, & 17

Invitation to the Old Testament by Celia Brewer Sinclair & James D. Tabor

This study approaches the Hebrew Scriptures by inviting participants to hear the story of God and God’s calling of the people of Israel through the many “voices” of the biblical text. Narrative, poetry, history and prophetic utterance all have their own distinctive characteristics and purposes, arising out of a particular historical, social, and cultural setting. To understand fully the story of God’s covenantal relationship with Israel calls for listening to these various ways the story is told throughout the Old Testament.

Introduction, The Making of the Hebrew Bible, The Creation Story of Israel, Timeline

Out of Bondage, Promise and the Problem of the Land

Israel has a King, Division, and the Rise of Prophecy

Exile and Response, Restoration and Renewal

Contact: Rev. Dr. Todd Anderson

Young Adult Study

at Bean and Barley on Madison Road

Click here to access the website and podcast.

Contact: Rev. Kate Smith

Join a Connect Group today!

Grow, pray, serve and build relationships

Connect Groups are  people who come together to build relationships through encouragement, accountability, guidance, and prayer. Every Connect Group consists of 5 essential ingredients: fellowship, worship and prayer, study, accountability, and mission or outreach.

Groups are made up of women, men, couples, singles or mixed groups. The groups usually meet once a week or twice a month to study the scriptures, engage in Christian conversation and fellowship, pray with and for one another, and serve in ministry/mission.


Sara Pease

Director of Faith Formation

If you have any questions regarding our Adult Ministry, Hospitality or are interested in a joining a connect group please contact Meredith Menius, our Director of Connecting & Discipleship Ministries.

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