A Prayer on Pentecost for the United Methodist Church

This Sunday is Pentecost, the birthday of the Church!  In Acts 2 we read the account of the Holy Spirit who empowered the people who were gathered all in one place.

There was the sound of a rushing wind and “divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, a a tongue rested on each one of them.” (Acts 2:3).

Once every four years the global United Methodist Church gathers.  At General Conference powerful worship will be experienced as the Church renews our commitment to make disciples of Jesus Christ.  Major decisions will be made which will impact individuals, families, churches, laity, pastors, and our life together as United Methodists.

The United Methodist Church needs your prayers this week.  Please join me in praying for General Conference:

God, Maker of heaven and earth, as the people called United Methodists gather in Portland, may Your Spirit rain down upon everyone.

As people gather from around the globe, renew the United Methodist Church in a powerful way, anointing us with fresh wind and fire as on the first Pentecost.

Jesus, Great shepherd of the sheep, watch over the delegation from West Ohio Conference, all voting members, and guests.

With Your gentle staff, direct them.  Lead them and guide their words, thoughts, and actions.  Protect them from harm.

Hold them in Your loving arms, especially when they are weary and need new strength.

Holy Spirit, Wonderful Counselor, flood every inch of General Conference with Your life-giving presence. 

Fill each delegate and guest with Your wisdom and strength.  Remind all who gather that You are a God who makes all things new. 

Help us to remember that with You all things are possible. 

Unite us.  Empower us.  Fill us with the peace of Christ, a peace that passes all understanding.

I offer this prayer in the name of our God, who created us, watches over us, and guides our steps.  Amen.


(offered by Rev. Dr. Cathy Johns)

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