Youth & Scout Sunday

The Boy Scouts of America (now Scouts BSA) was founded on February 8th, 1910. The first Sunday in February is “Scout Sunday,” where we celebrate and recognize the anniversary of Scouting; and give thanks to all the Scouts, Adults and Organizations who make Scouting possible.

In 1923, five adult volunteers and eleven boys assembled to form Troop 114 as Chartered by the Hyde Park Community (Formerly known as Linwood) Methodist Church. Now we are the 2nd oldest Troop in all of Cincinnati!

THANK YOU, Hyde Park UMC, for supporting Scouting! From providing space to meet, to storing gear, to supporting our wreath and popcorn campaigns, we are truly blessed to have you as a partner.

Yours in Scouting,

Troop 114 & Pack 113

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