Stewards of Abundant Life: Service

In John 10:10, Jesus says, “I came so that they may have life and have it abundantly.” 

During the month of October, we are considering what it means to be “Stewards of Abundant Life” as we participate in the ministries of the church through our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.  

This weekend in worship we are focusing on what it means to offer our service.

The example of faith lived out through service comes from Jesus.  As he was sharing one of his last meals with the disciples before his death, he took off his robe, knelt down, and washed the feet of his friends.  This was quite a shock to the disciples.  While having someone wash your feet was a common occurrence in that time, it was never done by someone who was considered an equal or above.  Jesus gave them an example of a completely radical way of doing things that was not based on ego or hierarchy but of self-giving love.    

After Jesus finished serving his followers in this way, he said this, “Do you know what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for that is what I am. So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you” (John 13:12b-15).

Washing the feet of the disciples is a very practical lived example of Jesus’ teaching. In response to the request of James and John when they asked to have the best spots in Jesus’ kingdom, Jesus says to them,  “For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).

Jesus was faithful to these words even when it meant making the journey to Jerusalem and facing death on the cross.  His faithfulness brought about new possibilities of abundant life for each of us.

The abundant life we see in Jesus is not about wealth, possessions, status, or ease.  The abundant life that Jesus models is about something far greater.  It is about being a part of God’s loving faithfulness for all in ways that create abundant life for all.  We are willing to take on the life of service that Jesus shows us.  Following his example and instructions we give of our time and talents on behalf of others in ways that help all, especially those who might be considered the least and the most vulnerable in our society, to experience abundant life physically, spiritually, and eternally. 


Pastor Suzanne

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