Abundant life is a gift to be shared! This month we are focusing on what it means to be “Stewards of Abundant Life.” To be a steward is to be a caretaker-someone who has received a gift, who cares for it well, and shares it generously with others.
We have received the gift of God’s unconditional love in Jesus Christ, we are guided by the presence of the Holy Spirit each day, and we are supported by the church community that encourages us and helps us grow in this gift and that challenges us with opportunities to put our faith into action.
I am enjoying seeing and hearing about the many ways that this happens through the ministries of Hyde Park Community UMC. The videos in worship each week are inspiring, the opportunities to experience and to get involved in ministries between services in the Welcome Center have been so much fun, and the opportunity to reflect on the many ways we have impacted the church, the community, and the world with the love of God have been powerful.
Hopefully you have received your brochure and card in the mail for our upcoming Commitment Sunday which will take place on October 23rd. You can also find those resources in an electronic format in our Friday eblast. It is a wonderful celebration of the many ways that our church is impacting the world for good. Your financial commitment along with your prayers, presence, service, and witness allow us to continue to share the gift of abundant life in Jesus Christ in far reaching and transformational ways.
Here are a few highlights:
Prayers: 34 Prayer shawls given away so far this year
9 youth were confirmed
The Warehouse Worship in the Park averaged 363 participants
Presence: First Friday Fellowship began again this fall after a break from Covid
25 youth helped lead the Youth Sunday service
600 people attended the Easter Egg Hunt
Gifts: We shared over $150,000 in support of our local and global mission
Soul Builders coordinated the donation of over 1500 items for local mission partners
Service: Over 175 different people from all generations participated in service
Over 100 people work together to help lead our Sunday morning worship experience
Witness: Over 200 people participated in VBS
The Young Adults gather each week in the community to share in study and fellowship
We have over 1400 followers on Social Media
This Sunday we are thinking about what it means to Offer our Presence. We will be guided by Luke 19:1-9. I look forward to gathering and worshipping with you as we continue to receive, celebrate and share the gift of abundant life as Hyde Park Community UMC!