Plug in to the Power of Real Community

Celebrating Vital Signs

A church is a living, breathing organism with “vital signs.”  Each congregation has unique “DNA” and is equipped by God to bringing healing, hope, and grace to God’s people.  When you get a physical check-up, nurses and doctors will perform a blood pressure check and ask you to open your mouth and say “ah.”  They are checking for vital signs to evaluate your current health.

As we begin our ministry with you, here are a couple of “vital signs” that Doug and I celebrate in the Body of Christ here:

Laity and staff are strong and committed to excellence.  An eagerness to serve Christ faithfully is evident.  We have frequently heard the words from laity and staff often: “Let me know how I can help.”

The Servant Leadership Board is a diverse group of skilled and committed servants who bring outstanding leadership to the wider community.  On June 21, the Servant Leadership Board gathered together at the parsonage for a morning retreat.  Loving, learning, and leading were components of the day.

Loving God and one another:  We spent time in worship, small group reflection, and prayer, focusing on the words of Jesus to His disciples: “I am the vine and you are the branches.  Those who abide in me, and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

Learning:  We discussed the expectations and roles for our senior pastors, prioritizing where the senior pastors should focus their time and energy. The articulated focus was to serve primarily as visionary leaders who preach, teach, lead, and equip the Body of Christ.

Leading:  We had a lively conversation around the strengths of Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church and hopes and dreams for the future. We also discussed the need for a new chiller for the sanctuary and approved a plan to move forward to remedy the problem.

This Sunday the series “Plug into the Power of Christian Community” concludes with the message “Real Community.”  It is based on Acts 5:1-11.

As we move forward in ministry, please continue to pray for Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church. Pray for our congregation to welcome all who seek a deeper walk with God.  Pray for the laity, staff, and pastors to listen for God to direct our path so that we can be effective in ministry to those in our community. May God give us all wisdom, courage, and strength to serve our neighbors in a spirit of joy!


Pastor Cathy


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