Our Hyde Park Community UMC Endowment has a positive impact on the life of our community and congregation. Together, we offer families and individuals the opportunity to leave a legacy to their beloved church, a legacy that bears abundant fruit!
Today, the Rev. Dr. Michael Vilardo will share the transformative presence through the life-stages of many: birth, baptism, confirmation, graduation, marriage and death that happens when we give voice to all stages of life, stewardship as we overlay them with our baptismal and membership vows to resist injustice and evil and whatever forms they present themselves and to uphold the care of the church by our presence, gifts, service witness and prayers. The result is a deep and abiding love for our faith community through our endowment ministries for future generations.
Hyde Park Community has been blessed by the foresight of those who have gone before us to leave such a legacy gift. From the first gift, under the leadership of Bishop Emerson Colaw, to our current endowment as it is today, the purpose has been solid to enhance the vision and mission of the church for the Kingdom. From support of the facilities, to the support of our outreach/mission programs, mission partnerships both locally, nationally and worldwide, our endowment has been a part of partnering with God to reach these goals through our vision.
The beauty of our endowment ministry is that no gift is too large or too small. We invite you to make a gift to the endowment, and/or including HPCUMC in your estate plans. I would love to talk to you about your legacy gift.
Rev. Dr. Todd D. Anderson