
0-2 yrs old


Nursery care is provided on Sunday mornings and may also be offered for other church events, studies, and small groups. Compassionate, well-trained volunteers and paid nursery staff are here to love and care for your child.  Our nursery provides snacks, crafts, and Bible stories for our littlest ones.  On Sunday mornings, our nursery is open at 9:00 am for our 9:30 and 11:00 worship services.

Please contact Dana Calhoun with questions:

Parent Resources

Hands-on ways to incorporate the monthly theme into your life

Download the February Changing Table Poster.

Click for developmentally-appropriate ways to explore February’ss theme throughout the day.

Click for developmentally-appropriate ways to explore February’s theme throughout the day.


Experience God's Grace

Our church welcomes people of any age to be baptized, including infants! Through baptism, we experience the justifying grace of God and the cleansing power of the Holy Spirit. The congregation welcomes these new family members and promises to surround them with a community of love and forgiveness, that they may grow in their trust of God, and be found faithful in their service to others.

Dana Calhoun

Director of Family Ministry

If you are interested in participating in our children’s ministry, please contact Dana Calhoun, the Director of Family Ministry.

Sign Up For Our Newsletter!

Sign Up For Our Newsletter!

Please contact Pam Pilger  below to be added to our mailing list for our HPC Kids monthly email.  It’s full of news, resources, and fellowship.

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