Our next worship series, Moses Moments, will take place from January 22-February 19. We will reflect on key moments from Moses’ life and think about the ways that they connect with significant moments in our own lives.
What is a “Moses Moment?” It’s a moment when God taps you on the shoulder and says, I need your help. You might argue that you don’t have the skills or experience needed to accomplish such a task. But God is confident that you are the one, encouraging you to step out in faith, challenging you to learn new skills, inviting you to do what seems impossible. And somehow, deep within, you know it’s true and so you take a deep breath and step out in faith.
As part of this series, you are invited to read through the book of Exodus in order to appreciate the larger context for the moments we will highlight in worship. The reading guide is below.
You’re are also invited to follow us on Social Media as we will be posting extra devotional thoughts during this series.
Another option for individual study is to read Adam Hamilton’s book Moses. We have a limited number of copies available for you to borrow. Please check with Amanda in the church office if interested.
Finally, one very special part of this series is that our youth will be leading us in the section on The 10 Commandments on Sunday February 5th for Youth and Scouting Sunday. You won’t want to miss this great day of worship.
Pastor Suzanne
Exodus Reading Guide:
In preparation for—
Sunday January 22: chapters 1-4
Sunday January 29: chapters 5-13
Sunday February 5: chapters 14-23
Sunday February 12: chapters 24-31
Sunday February 19: chapters 32-40
and Deuteronomy 6 & 34