HPCUMC Children’s Ministry provides a fun, safe, and loving place where children and families can grow in their faith, grow in relationships, and grow in their knowledge of living as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Sunday Schedule
Sunday Schedule
Nursery Ages 0-2yrs old- RM 120
The nursery opens at 9:00 on Sunday mornings and remains open through the 11:00 service. Please contact Dcalhoun@hpcumc.org if you need nursery care for a meeting or class meeting at another time.
Pre-K Sunday School- RM 216
We welcome ages 3, 4, and any 5-year-olds who are not yet in kindergarten. We sing, dance, play, and do many activities based on our weekly bible study. Preschoolers will love to participate in this fun Sunday School class!
We welcome all kids who are currently in Kindergarten through 5th grade. We start the hour by gathering together in one large community of kids to praise God, learn scripture, and sing together. Kids will then break into smaller groups by age to dive into age-appropriate discussion questions and activities. Your kids will not want to miss this fun-filled Sunday morning experience!
Parent Resources
Parent Resources

It's just a phase are you missing it?
Stay Connected
The mission of Hyde Park Community UMC is to share the love of Jesus to transform lives, Cincinnati, and the world. Our hope is that each person can find a meaningful way to serve that connects people’s passions and gifts to the needs of the community and world. If you’d like to get in touch with our Children Ministry’s leaders, please contact them below.
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Please email Pam Pilger to be added to our mailing list for our HPC Kids Weekly email. It’s full of news, resources, and fellowship!