A Message from Rev. Dave Weaver

As you know, I retired June 30th after twenty-two years as an associate pastor at HPCUMC. It has been a privilege to serve such a great community of faith for these many years. My life has been enriched by this church family, the staff and all the ministries of this great church. My decision to retire is bitter sweet and has evolved over the last couple of years. However, it feels right for me at this season or stage of my life. 

HPCUMC has been a place of transformation for me through my transitions in life. 

The first was walking through the doors of this church through divorce in 1987 and attending a recovery group. People embraced me and helped me heal, including pastors and laity of the church. My childhood faith was sparked, I was baptized and joined the church in 1988. Bible studies, the Walk to Emmaus experience, serving on the Missions Commission and the Singles Ministry were big parts of my early transformation at HPCUMC. 

In 1994 I meet Diane here and we were married in 1996. Our church family surrounded us with love and support. We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary this year. In 1998 I sensed a call to vocational ministry and the church affirmed my call as a local pastor in the UMC. I was appointed by the bishop to serve here at HPCUMC in 1999.  Along with preaching and teaching through the many years, I had the leadership role responsibility of the Walk to Emmaus Ministry, Stephen Ministry Team and the Discipleship Ministry Team at HPCUMC. 

In 2010, after being diagnosed with cancer, the church prayed for me, took me to and from doctor and treatment appointments, and dropped off food to our home.  The church again responded in 2019 when I had a mild heart attack and needed two stents. Diane and I have felt the love of God in very tangible ways through this Body of Christ. 

I share these personal and professional transitions with you because I have experienced many blessings of transformation in my life from this church. Both the laity and pastors of HPCUMC have shaped me as a person and as a pastor. And I am so grateful to have been part of your journey. I trust you have experienced transformation through your transitions as well. I am now transitioning into retirement. It is my hope, in a new way, to still experience transformation through this amazing faith community known as HPCUMC. It has been my privilege to serve!!! 

We continue our sermon series this Sunday on Micah 6: 8: “He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” I look forward to sharing a message on what it means to “walk humbly with God.” Please join us in-person or online this week in worship. 

Blessings, through Christ, 


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