Community Outreach
Our ministry partners in Cincinnati are the foundation of our Community Ministry. We have the opportunity to experience God in new ways by serving alongside our partners that lead to transformation of lives and our community. There are a variety of ways to serve – working with children, teens, adults, and seniors. Put your faith in to action and serve in your community!

Super SERVE Saturday
3rd Saturdays of the month
As a way to bring families, multiple generations, and people of all backgrounds together we are offering different opportunities to serve in meaningful ways throughout Cincinnati. There is something for each age and ability – no superpowers necessary – just a willing, humble and flexible spirit and heart for all!

Found House Interfaith Housing Network
Hyde Park Community UMC has a longstanding partnership with Found House Interfaith Housing Network (formally Interfaith Hospitality Network) serving as a host congregation for 4-5 weeks a year serving up to 4 families at a time. Through our partnership with Found House we are working to ensure families have access to temporary shelter and connect families to the housing they deserve. While we are housing and hosting families throughout the year, we are in need of people to provide donations for meals and supplies and be onsite with the families.
Upcoming Weeks:
March 9-16
October 5-12
November 2 – 9
November 30-December 7
Our Community Partners
The Center for Respite Care is one of our Community Ministry partners focused on health.
This ministry cares for homeless individuals with medical needs. We support this ministry financially and by having volunteers serve meals and befriend those served by the Center. A small group is also making fleece blankets for the guests.
Those serving with Summer Impact have the opportunity to prepare and serve meals for up to 20 guests healing from sickness and surgery, eat lunch with them, and then spend some time playing games with the guests.
If you would like more information about how you can partner with the Center for Respite Care, please contact Rev. Kate Smith.
Found House Interfaith Housing Network provides emergency shelter and housing programs for homeless families in Cincinnati, Ohio and surrounding areas. For the past 30 years, Found House IHN has been a beacon of hope for families in our community with nowhere else to turn. Found House remains focused on our overarching goal of helping families experiencing homelessness secure safe, affordable, permanent housing.
HPCUMC provides meals and shelter for 4 families, 5 weeks every year. Our guests stay with us at our Hyde Park campus during the week; arriving by bus at 5pm each night. We serve and eat dinner, visit with the adults, play with the children and provide warm, safe beds for the night. After a breakfast on the go, the families leave around 6:45am to head back to the Day Center (located in Walnut Hills) where the parents work on their case plan, children are shuttled to school, etc.
We need many hands to care and serve our guests during this week. Help set up, or prepare a meal; or just come eat dinner with us and play with the kids. We need about 6-8 volunteers each night including at least one to sleep overnight at the Church (in private room).
If you would like more information about how you can serve with Found House, please contact Rev. Kate Smith.
We participate in the Shalom Coalition, an interfaith group, of the Cincinnati Chapter of Habitat for Humanity. Hyde Park Community Church was one of the founding partners of this coalition. From the first house construction in 1998, our church has supported this mission by providing funds to build the house and people helping with the construction. Yes, people just like you!
This year marks the 29thhouse for the Shalom Coalition. On-site work begins in March. Please be in prayer for this family and the work that has already been done and how God might be calling you to partner with this build.
We support this ministry by providing funds to build the house and by having volunteers help build the house (ages 16 and up). You can also serve by working in the ReStore (ages 14 and up).
Saturdays are the primary day where construction takes place on the home.
We also participate in Habitat’s Rock the Block that happens in the fall and spring. Rock the Block is a fun one-day event that supports the home repair and neighborhood beautification goals of the communities where Habitat builds homes. Rock the Block brings together over 300 volunteers (ages 10 and older) to complete about 30 projects with homeowners and community partners including exterior home repairs, trash removal, landscaping, park maintenance, painting and more! The next Rock the Block will be Spring 2024
If you would like more information about how you can serve with Habitat for Humanity, please contact Rev. Kate Smith.
Madison Education Assistance Center (MEAC) is a Madisonville neighborhood ministry that provides financial assistance for housing and utilities to individuals in our community. It also is a choice food pantry serving four zip codes.
We support this ministry by providing funds for housing, utilities, food and other needs throughout the year and by having volunteers assist with the clothing closet, food pantry, etc.
Pray for the people of Madisonville. Pray for the services provided at MEAC to assist individuals with food, clothing and education.
For more information about how you can get involved in helping partner with MEAC, contact Rev. Kate Smith.
Since its inception in the 1937’s Meals on Wheels of Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky (originally Wesley House, a home for low-income seniors) has United Methodist roots. Their mission has been to deliver hot meals and essential services that promote the independence of seniors in our community so they may remain in the comfort of their own homes.
We partner with Meals on Wheels through our monthly partner donation, Super Serve Saturday projects (all ages), and a fan favorite – their Bust a Crust Event (ages 5 and up) happening the Saturday before Thanksgiving.
If you are interested in getting involved with Meals on Wheels, or to find out more information, please contact Rev. Kate Smith.
New Life Furniture Bank partners with local social service agencies like HPCUMC to provide full house furniture to families and individuals overcoming devastating circumstances, so they can start their new life with hope and dignity. NLFB hopes to share God’s love through the comfort and stability of furniture.
NLFB relies on the help of hundreds of local volunteers to get furniture organized and delivered to those who are living in empty spaces. There are opportunities to serve with people at HPCUMC by signing up for Super Serve Saturday projects with NLFB!
At the beginning of a new school year, we see the symbolism of renewal all around us. It’s a time for new beginnings & a new opportunity for a child to become the best version of him or herself. Please consider becoming a tutor/mentor for a 2nd grade student at Rothenberg Preparatory Academy as HPC begins our 13th year in relationship with Rothenberg. For more information, contact Karen Bruner, 513-787-3549,
Our partnership with Rothenberg Preparatory Academy is a tutoring/mentoring program between HPCUMC members and the students at Rothenberg. Our partnership began in 2011, with a group of adults eager to build into the lives of students to help them to achieve their goals and to give them a stable adult influence. Now, some of those same adults are still working with the student they were paired with, watching him/her grow and continuing to mentor them to reach their goals.
The mentors at Rothenberg commit to going to the school once a week (Tuesday or Thursday) from 1:10-2:00p to work with the student that they have been paired with on reading and math skills. Additionally, they serve as a supporting role in their student’s life.
If you would like more information about how you can serve at Rothenberg, please contact Rev. Kate Smith.
State Avenue UMC is a partner church of ours located in Price Hill. We help support State Ave UMC financially as well as with food needs they have during the year. Please use the link below to sign up to serve dinner for Messy Church – Kids Night!
If you would like more information about how you can serve with State Ave. UMC, please contact Rev. Kate Smith.
Each Thanksgiving, over 500 boxes of food are prepared and delivered to families in Cincinnati the Sunday before Thanksgiving.
Do you know a needy family who could use a Thanksgiving Basket delivered to them? Call the church office on November 1 after 9:00am.
Looking to participate in the assembling or delivery of Thanksgiving boxes? Packing boxes takes place the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving every year in the church parking lot starting at 10:30am. Show up and lend a hand! Deliveries will begin at noon – maps will be available to your destination. If you are interested in assisting, or for more information, please contact Rev. Kate Smith in the church office.
Wesley Chapel Mission Center is a mission center located in Over-the-Rhine (OTR) that works with students after school to enhance their education, give them a safe place to learn, give them new opportunities for learning and growing, and teaching them about Christ.
We partner with them both financially as well as with volunteers. Our volunteers work in their after school program, volunteer at their Saturday morning tutoring opportunities, and support their special events throughout the year.
Additionally, HPCUMC’s Summer Impact program partners with WCMC to run their camp each summer. Summer camp is a daily program for the kids in the OTR neighborhood that gives the kids a safe place to learn, play, and grow for a few hours each day.
If you are interested in getting involved with Wesley Chapel Mission Center, or to find out more information, please contact Rev. Kate Smith.
Mission & Outreach
and OTR Campus Team
If you are interested in participating in our community outreach efforts, please contact Rev. Kate Smith, our pastor of mission and outreach or Christina Cotrone, mission and outreach coordinator.