Super Serve Saturday

Super Serve Saturday

3rd Saturdays of the month September – May 

Upcoming dates: April 19 and May 17

As a way to bring families, multiple generations, and people of all backgrounds together we are offering different opportunities to serve in meaningful ways throughout Cincinnati. There is something for each age and ability – no superpowers necessary – just a willing, humble and flexible spirit and heart for all!

See below to get a description of each of the projects, what to expect, and to sign up to serve.

Serving at Meals on Wheels

Super Serve Saturday Projects for
April 19th

Clear small trees and bushes in the Wesley Foundation parking lot:

  • 9:00a -12:00p meet at the Wesley Foundation in the parking lot (2717 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati)
  • A team of up to 6 people (children are welcome if a parent is there to supervise) will help to clear trees and bushes from blocking the parking lot
  • What to bring/know: Please wear long pants and shirts, close toe shoes, and work gloves as this project will be outsideIf possible, bring pruning sheers, saws, potentially chain saw, and rakes
  • Childcare is available at the church if needed for those 5 and younger. Sign up for project/childcare by Thursday, April 17th at 5:00p. 

Organize, clean, and pack up eggs from Easter Egg hunt to prepare for next year:

  • We need help emptying and sorting the eggs from the Easter Egg Hunt to prepare for next year as well as organzing the decorations and supplies from this year.
  • Great project for families and friends to do together.
  • Meet from 9:00a – 12:00p and if you cannot stay the whole time, just let us know in the comments when you sign up!
  • Meet in the basement of Hyde Park Community UMC (Room 9)
  • Childcare is available at the church if needed for those 5 and younger. Sign up for project/childcare by Thursday, April 17th at 5:00p. 

Help prepare for VBS this summer:

  • Help us with our VBS projects to prepare for this summer!
  • A great way to get your family and friends involved especially if you cannot volunteer during VBS week in the summer!
  • There will be two shifts: one from 9:30a -11:30a and another from 12:00p – 2:00p.
  • Meet at Hyde Park Community UMC (specific location TBD)
  • Childcare is available at the church if needed for those 5 and younger. Sign up for project/childcare by Thursday, April 17th at 5:00p.

Prep Flowers for Easter Cross:

  • Help us trim and prepare flowers for the Easter Cross!
  • A great project for those who love working with flowers.
  • This project will take place in the Refectory Kitchen of Hyde Park Community UMC (in the basement underneath the Sanctuary) from 9:30a – 11:30a.
  • Childcare is available at the church if needed for those 5 and younger. Sign up for project/childcare by Thursday, April 17th at 5:00p.

Build/assemble furniture to make a house a home with New Life Furniture Bank:

  • 9:00a -12:00p meet at New Life Furniture (11335 Reed Hartman Hwy. Unit 134 in Blue Ash)
  • A team of up to 8 people (ages 12 and up) will help assemble tables (two people can assemble a table in 1 hour).
  • All skill levels (no experience needed) can participate – there will be people there to help and train you on what to do. No tools needed everything will be provided including ear and eye protection.
  • Imagine a home without a kitchen table to gather around. Imagine eating a meal with your children on the floor. Many families living in extreme poverty, overcoming homelessness and other extreme circumstances are facing this reality. YOU can help change that by building/assembling a kitchen table, coffee table or other useful piece of furniture for families in need in Cincinnati with New Life Furniture Bank.
  • Please wear comfortable shoes, clothes, and bring a water bottle.
  • Click here to fill out volunteer form (needed for each time you serve) 
  • Childcare is available at the church if needed for those 11 and younger. Sign up for project/childcare by Thursday, April 17th at 5:00p. 

Organize/pack linens and homewares at New Life Furniture:

  • 10:00a -12:00p at New Life Furniture (11335 Reed Hartman Hwy. Unit 134 in Blue Ash)
  • A team of up to 10 (ages 12 and up) will help make a house a home by sorting dishes and linen donations and boxing them up for delivery.
  • Please wear closed toe shoes, comfortable clothes and bring a water bottle.
  • Click here to fill out volunteer form (needed for each time you serve – select Warehouse Help as program) 
  • As a volunteer, you are eligible for a 10% discount coupon to use at our Thrift Store in appreciation for your help. Please remember to ask about it!
  • Childcare is available at the church if needed for those 11 and younger. Sign up for project/childcare by Thursday, April 17th at 5:00p.

Prepare part of a meal for residents and staff at The Center for Respite Care: 

  • Want an option where you can serve at home?
  • Sign up to prepare part of a meal (choose from entree, side, salad, drinks, dessert, pantry items, etc.) for 20 residents and staff at The Center for Respite Care.
  • Drop off takes place at the church parking lot at 4:00p on Saturday OR Welcome Center kitchen anytime throughout the week before 4:00p and the Sheldons will take the meal to Respite.
  • Items that need to be hot/warm for the meal need to be dropped off at the church on Saturday afternoon at 4:00p.
  • For a totally no contact option, choose a cold/room temperature meal item and drop off your item in the Welcome Center kitchen before 4:00p on Super Serve Saturday

Super Saturday partners and projects:

  • Each month, you can prepare part of a meal (choose from entree, side, salad, drinks, dessert, pantry items, etc.) for residents and staff at The Center for Respite Care.
  • This is a great option to serve at home and items can be dropped off early if needed! A great option for families to serve together and open to all ages.
  • A team of up to 10 people partner with wood workers to learn how to build and assemble furniture (kitchen tables, coffee tables, and side tables) to be given to families in their new apartment/home helping to alleviate the cycle of homelessness. This project is for ages 12 and up. No experience necessary! 
  • Another team of 10 works upstairs to hep sort and organize dishwater and linens to help make a house a home. This project is for ages 10 and up. 
  • Each November, help with Meals on Wheel’s Bust a Crust event helping to pack and distribute Thanksgiving pies with sales benefiting seniors
  • Help pack snacks and shelf stable meals for seniors in our community.
  • Deliver a birthday box bonanza to celebrate a senior’s birthday!
  • Wash the vehicles used to deliver meals to seniors.
  • Portion out dog food for senior’s dogs to be delivered along with their meal for their furry friend.
  • Anyone Pre-K and older can help with most of these projects.  
  • Serve at the Habitat for Humanity’s Restore (ages 12 and up)
  • Work on site at a Habitat build (ages 16 and up) or help prepare and deliver lunch to the works (Pre-K and up)
  • Mentor children attending STAR Club with Wesley Chapel Mission.
  • Volunteers need to be age 14 and up (anyone younger, ages 4-13, would need to come with a parent and participate in the program like the other children attending)
  • STAR stands for Science, Technology, Arithmetic, and Reading). This program supports and encourages the work that goes on in school. 

Rev. Kate Smith

Pastor of Mission & Outreach

If you are interested in participating in Super Serve Saturday, please contact Rev. Kate Smith, our pastor of mission and outreach.

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