Holy Wind

Each week since Easter Sunday we have been growing in our awareness that we are standing on Holy Ground, connecting the gift of creation with the hope and joy of…

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Legacy Sunday

Our Hyde Park Community UMC Endowment has a positive impact on the life of our community and congregation.  Together, we offer families and individuals the opportunity to leave a legacy…

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Holy Creatures
Flock of sheep being herded into a pen by a farmer and his sheepdog.

Holy Creatures

“What is the holiest creature?” As we think about Holy Creatures this weekend, this question comes to mind.  It almost sounds like a riddle, and so I began to wonder…

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Holy Water

Based on the scripture for this week, I wanted to share the devotion I wrote for the Speaking Truth devotion and prayer book that came out in 2020 featuring young…

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Holy Ground

When was the last time that you paid attention to the ground beneath your feet?  Took your shoes and socks off and let your feet touch the earth and your…

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Holy Ground

I love gardening. This time of year is intoxicating!  I love seeds and plant alot of them. The smell of flowers and trees in bloom is a reminder of the…

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Palm Sunday is filled with pageantry and excitement, at least that is what I remember from my childhood.  In one of our churches, we had a wooden colt that was…

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Well, we're in the home stretch! If you're reading this on Sunday, March 26th, I have 55 days until graduation with my Masters of Divinity degree at United Theological seminary…

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