Choosing Joy

Peter Pan very distressed because it was missing.  Fortunately Nana, the dog, grabbed it before it escaped out the window.  Wendy, one of the Darling children, sewed it back on…

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Come Home This Christmas!

Paul writes in Romans 12:9 and 18: “Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another…

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King Me!

There is a glorious moment when a checkers player has jumped and moved a piece all the way to the far side of the board.  When that happens, the player…

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The Great I Am

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 I love Marvel movies. One of Marvel’s most comical series is Guardians of the Galaxy. The most beloved Guardian is a character named GROOT. Groot is an animated tree. Groot…

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Some Thoughts on Hope

Where do you find hope? Why do we need hope? What is hope?  One of my dictionaries defines it this way: “to wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment.”…

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Together We Make a Difference . . .

I pray that this finds you healthy, safe and blessed! The mission and ministry of HPCUMC/Warehouse strives to deepen our relationship with God and one another.  From our weekly worship…

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Whose Cookies?

A woman was out shopping and decided to stop for a cup of coffee. She bought a bag of cookies, dropped them in her purse, and then went into a…

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