Hello, I’m new here!
Young woman standing lakeside on jetty having a look at magical cloudscape and sunset colors.

Hello, I’m new here!

One of the gifts of being a new person in a new place is that you have a unique opportunity to experience that situation for the first time.  As you…

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An Article from Pastor Sherman

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On Tuesday, June 7th, CNN reported that the United States was on pace to match or surpass its worst year on record for the number of mass shootings. We have…

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To God Be The Glory!

Today is our last Sunday as your appointed pastors.  As we come to this milestone in our lives and the life of the church we contemplate on the words of…

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Most of us do not like surprises.  It means that our well-planned trajectory has been thrown a curve.  Yet not all surprises bring bad news; some bring incredibly good news!…

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