Shalom Habitat Coalition

Over twenty years ago, our church partnered with Mt. Zion UMC (now New Vision UMC), and founded the Shalom Coalition to work with Cincinnati Habitat for Humanity building houses in…

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Youth Sunday

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Today our United Methodist Youth Fellowship and Boy Scouts will lead our services, and we will hear meditations from three students throughout the service. Below you can meet those that…

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Walk To Emmaus

As you begin the New Year, prayerfully consider attending an Emmaus Walk in 2015! The Emmaus story is found in the Gospel of Luke (24: 13-35). It’s an awesome story…

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The Parlor Group

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference. Most 12-Step meetings…

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