Walk To Emmaus

As you begin the New Year, prayerfully consider attending an Emmaus Walk in 2015! The Emmaus story is found in the Gospel of Luke (24: 13-35). It’s an awesome story…

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The Parlor Group

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference. Most 12-Step meetings…

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Stephen Ministry

Very soon after my husband Neil and I became members of this church, I learned about a ministry in which lay people could be trained to provide a warm space…

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Moveable Welcome Center

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A couple months ago, one of the greeters from the Hospitality ministry joyfully stopped me as I was walking toward the sanctuary. Then she asked me, pointing toward the crowd…

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Wesley Chapel Mission Center

Wesley Chapel Mission Center (WCMC), one of HPCUMC’s inner city ministry partners, is located in the eastside of Over-the-Rhine (OTR). This area is not yet part of the new development…

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