A Life Well Lived!

A Life Well Lived! Ecclesiastes is one of the books of the Bible many conveniently overlook.  Except for the opening of the third chapter (v.1-8) not many of us know…

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Lessons from Dogs

Lessons from Dogs Dogs help us understand God.  They help us see how God operates.  Here are a few examples: They are always happy to welcome you home.   No…

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Mission Team- Samara UMC in Russia

Hyde Park Community UMC will be sending a mission team to Samara United Methodist Church, Samara, Russia, January 1-8, 2018.  The mission team will be lead by Kevin Betts and…

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In the 12th chapter of Genesis we read about the blessing of Abram (name soon to be changed to Abraham).However, we not only read of Abram’s blessing, but his purpose:…

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Breaking Bread Together

Consider the joy of breaking bread together…. It is a wonderful thing to sit at the table with family or friends and share a meal together.  Good food, with great…

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Our Purpose

Rick Warren, the non-denominational pastor of Saddleback Church in California, wrote a book in early 2000.  The book was titled: “The Purpose-Driven Life.”  In his book he poses several questions.…

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Leave a Legacy

Endowment programs have a positive impact on the life of a congregation.  Endowment programs offer families and individuals the opportunity to leave a legacy to their beloved church, a legacy…

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Jesus, post resurrection, enters the upper room and proclaims “Peace be with you.”  The word “peace” has different meanings depending upon context and culture.  What is this peace Jesus speaks…

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The Doctor is IN!

Easter is many different things to many different people. Easter is my favorite day of the year. The victory over sin and death has been won. We are healed through…

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Journey to Easter

This Easter season I invite you to prayerfully consider supporting our Global Ministry Partners. Your financial gift and prayers help sustain the passion and purpose of our partners. Your gift…

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