By This They Will Know

In the Gospel of John, Jesus says, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35)  This past week, seven…

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In the Cross of Christ I Glory

John Bowring’s hymn, written in 1825, continues to touch me each Lent: “In the cross of Christ I glory, towering o’er the wrecks of time; all the light of sacred…

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Youth Sunday

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Each day I have the privilege of working with many amazing young people.  Much of their success is a testimony to their parents and others who have cheered them on…

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What Are You Facing?

We will all face giants at one time or another in our lives. By giants, I am speaking of seemingly insurmountable problems and issues. We try to beat these giants,…

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Holding Hands

As we approach Valentine’s Day, I invite you to consider all the ways that we connect with others by holding hands: A mother holding the hand of her baby for…

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Can You Help?

The United Methodist Church is a “Connectional Church”, each church is connected to the other.  Our connection manifests itself in many ways throughout the denomination: Mission and outreach; financial and…

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What’s New at OTRCC?

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Much has happened in the spirit and life of Over-the-Rhine Community church in 2016 and the beginning of 2017. From physical changes in our entryway, Gathering Place, and Sanctuary to…

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Do you Listen as well as a Sheep?

Barbara Brown Taylor, a nationally known preacher, shares: “In Palestine today, it is still possible to witness a scene that Jesus almost certainly saw two thousand years ago, that of…

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All Things New!

With a New Year comes a heightened awareness of “newness” and of hope.  In these days of change and uncertainty, in a world that seems to be filled with discord,…

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All Things New!

Happy New Year!  With a new year comes new beginnings. John Wesley, founder of Methodism, created a “Covenant Service” in 1755 to guide the faithful in the re-committing of themselves…

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