New Life Furniture provides household items to families in need in the Greater Cincinnati area.  The following is New Life Furniture’s mission statement: We believe in the healing power of…

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Our mind functions through imagination. The reality is we can’t do anything without imagination. One of the meanings of the word “imagination” in the Old Testament is “conception.” Our imagination…

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Celebrating Summer Impact

Summer Impact is Hyde Park Community’s residential mission program in Cincinnati’s urban core.  Annually we invite youth groups to make Summer Impact their summer mission trip. This summer Hyde Park…

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Madame Blueberry’s Quest

Madame Blueberry, of Veggie Tales fame, lives in a very nice tree house.  She has friends and is very comfortable; however, she has a yearning to always have more stuff.…

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The Power of Community

There are a number of clichés that describe the value of “community”, one of which is “united we stand, divided we fall.”  Although true, it is so overused that the…

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A Life Well Lived!

A Life Well Lived! Ecclesiastes is one of the books of the Bible many conveniently overlook.  Except for the opening of the third chapter (v.1-8) not many of us know…

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Lessons from Dogs

Lessons from Dogs Dogs help us understand God.  They help us see how God operates.  Here are a few examples: They are always happy to welcome you home.   No…

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Mission Team- Samara UMC in Russia

Hyde Park Community UMC will be sending a mission team to Samara United Methodist Church, Samara, Russia, January 1-8, 2018.  The mission team will be lead by Kevin Betts and…

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