A Message from Pastor Sadell Bradley

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God chooses and uses women. That statement might seem obvious, but for thousands of years it has been up for debate in the Church, particularly as it pertains to leadership.…

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The Warehouse Church, OTR

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We are excited about the upcoming in-person launch of The Warehouse Church, in the beautiful Washington Park in the Over-The-Rhine community. This event will take place on June 6, 2021,…

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The Warehouse Church OTR Update

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Save the Date! Our official in-person launch is on June 6, 2021 at 1:00 pm at Washington Park and at the Church. We will have a time for the children…

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HOLD FAST: Courage to Fully Commit

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Saul, even before his conversion, was a unique character and a man of great conviction. He was lauded for his exceptional education and stature. His power in the Jewish community,…

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The Warehouse Church

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It is said that we, the Body of Christ, are Jesus' hands and feet on earth. Christ has risen, having conquered the power of sin and death. Colossians 3:1 tells…

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Amazed By Grace

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Grace is about much more than just how we come to Christ. We can do nothing in him or for him that doesn’t ultimately come from His grace. Let us…

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Pastor Article- Sadell Bradley

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Dutch Clergyman Henri Nouwen stated that, "Spiritual identity means we are not what we do or what people say about us. And we are not what we have. We are…

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Update from OTRCC

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Greetings, Hyde Park family, from your brothers and sisters at Over-the-Rhine Community Church! It feels very good to be able to say that we are family. It is a blessing…

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The View from the Ground

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When Jesus went into the desert to fast for 40 days, at the end of his time when he was most hungry, thirsty and tired; Satan approached him with a…

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