Sodom and Gomorrah

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Beloved, Today is my last Sunday, I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your hospitality and love. I am moving on to a new role at…

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Building Relationships

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This week we have experienced the turning point of the year. Have you sensed it? The days have been growing longer and longer, to the point that it’s disorienting. Even…

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Legacy Sunday
Beautiful wildflowers on a green meadow. Warm summer evening with a bright meadow during sunset. Grass silhouette in the light of the golden setting sun. Beautiful nature landscape with sunbeams.

Legacy Sunday

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This Sunday will be another Sunday to celebrate and give thanks for God’s benevolence. First, this is Pentecost Sunday when we pause to celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit.…

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What is the first song you ever learned? It can be hard to remember, potentially it could have been ABC, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Patty Cake, Happy Birthday, or maybe…

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Wound Stories and Doubt
Young woman standing lakeside on jetty having a look at magical cloudscape and sunset colors.

Wound Stories and Doubt

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It is an honor to be joining you this week to talk about wound stories and doubt. First, let me introduce myself. I grew up in central Ohio (Sunbury, to…

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Reset and Resist: Oppression
Young woman standing lakeside on jetty having a look at magical cloudscape and sunset colors.

Reset and Resist: Oppression

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Throughout the last few weeks in January, we have been exploring what it means to reset and resist while learning and growing in our faith in connection with the Social…

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Mary and Joseph’s Song

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Every year, HPCUMC provides poinsettias for purchase that are used to celebrate loved ones as part of our Advent and Christmas celebration. These plants are beautiful, yet toxic for pets,…

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Disarming Conversations

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“If art imitates life, scripture likewise reflects it in both holiness and horror.” – Phyllis Trible Often in life we yearn for the holiness, love, and goodness found within scripture…

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ALL Saints Sunday

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A wise woman, by the name of K.J. Ramsey writes, “Sadness is the soul’s way of saying, ‘This Matters.’” As we come to find ourselves at All Saints Sunday, again……

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Hope Sunday

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We are so excited to celebrate Hope Sunday! We will have one combined worship service that includes many of our musical groups and a combined choir. We will also have…

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